If you plan to hit the state parks or drive on the beach for some fishing, mark your calendars for these important dates to pick up those permits.
DNREC announced it is selling surf fishing tags beginning on February 1, with state park permits on February 15. Sales start at state park offices and online at 10:00 AM for both dates.
If you plan to get a tag, be ready to wait in line for one as demand for surf tags soared last year and were sold out within minutes. Demand for surf fishing tags forced Governor John Carney to issue an additional 1,000 tags back in April after the initial 17,000 tags were sold out in 2021. Demand for surf tags caused long lines at each state park office when additional tags were released.
If lines aren’t your thing, there’s the online option. Surf tags and permits will also be available online at www.destateparks.com. DNREC says this is the preferred method to purchase because of the rise in COVID cases, but those purchasing at state park offices are required to wear a mask and social distance.
As for why passes and permits are being sold later than usual this year, DNREC says it is due to chain supply issues.