DNREC announces plans to replenish and nourish beach areas along the Delaware Bay in Kent and Sussex Counties.
The Shoreline and Management Section with DNREC will begin work on nourishing dunes and beaches at Pickering, Kitts Hummock, Bowers, South Bowers and Slaughter beach. The projects will begin in January of next year.
It’s part of an effort to combat erosion and build up a natural line of defense against the elements. These shorelines have been battered by the weather and several storms in recent months, with community members and residents working with DNREC to come up with a plan.
As with everything else, DNREC expects the cost of sand to be up, but says it will dredge sand from the Murderkill River Inlet to replenish SOuth Bowers. Not only is it a cost-effective measure, but local sediment is a natural benefit for the ecosystem.
The multiphase project will be completed by April 15, with Slaughter Beach ending on March 1.