Delaware agencies and non-profits have until July 1 to submit funding request proposals for reforestation projects through the Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative (TEDI).
TEDI, administered through the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy and the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Delaware Forest Service launched last November.
The initiative works with partners to enhance and support tree plantings throughout the state, with a goal of planting at least one tree for every Delawarean.
Planting trees is a nature-based solution to reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, playing a critical role in helping fight climate change. TEDI is part of the state’s comprehensive plan to respond to climate change and supports Delaware’s Climate Action Plan.
Funding requests can include multiple projects and may range from $5,000 to $20,000.
Applications must be submitted to DNREC’s Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 1. Visit the TEDI website for more information about the program and the requirements of the call for proposals, or email questions to
Delawareans can join in the Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative by tracking trees they plant on their own property and inputting the information in the TEDI Tracker, which can be found at