An advisory was issued to parents Friday afternoon in the Caesar Rodney School District after a high school student was found with a hunting knife in their backpack.
Caesar Rodney High School administration were notified that a student may have had a knife in their possession, at which time they investigated and located the student. A search of the student was conducted which resulted in the discovery of a hunting knife and utility tool that had been concealed in their backup.
Delaware State Police were immediately informed and assumed the investigation, according to the school’s principal, Dr. Sherry Kijowski, who sent an email to parents emphasizing that no students or staff were threatened.
“The safety of our students and staff is extremely important to us and we will remain diligent in addressing these types of incidents,” Dr. Kijowski wrote in the email. “Caesar Rodney High School greatly appreciates the support that the Camden Police department and the Delaware State Police have provided.”
Rumors circulated on social media Thursday evening of an impending threat at the high school reportedly set to take place Friday, allegedly involving a knife. Those claims were investigated and deemed false, according to the school’s administration who said Friday’s incident was unrelated.
“We are also aware of the circulation of an image on social media that involved a knife and a threat from last [Thursday] evening, the Delaware State Police thoroughly investigated the post, and deemed it to not be a credible threat and not connected to today’s [Friday] incident,” Dr. Kijowski stated in the email. “We ask that you please have discussions concerning the district’s weapons policy with your children.”