FTC Announces Tentative Agenda for November 14 Open Commission Meeting

Today, Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina M. Khan announced that an open meeting of the Commission will be held virtually on Thursday, November 14, 2024. The open meeting will commence at 11am ET and will begin with time for members of the public to address the Commission.

The following items will be on the tentative agenda for the November 14 Commission meeting:

Presentation on Older Americans Report: Staff from the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Division of Marketing Practices will provide a presentation on the FTC’s latest report to Congress on protecting older adults. The report highlights key trends based on fraud reports by older adults and the agency’s multipronged efforts to combat the problem through law enforcement actions, rulemaking, and outreach and education programs.

Presentation on Click-to-Cancel Rule: Staff from the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Division of Enforcement will give a presentation on the FTC’s “Click-to-Cancel” Rule, which will require sellers of negative option plans to make it as easy to cancel enrollment as it was to sign up. It also will prohibit sellers from making material misrepresentations in marketing goods or services sold on a negative option basis and require sellers to disclose important information before obtaining consumers’ billing information, as well as to obtain informed consent to the negative option feature prior to billing.

Presentation on the Merger Portal: Staff from the Bureau of Competition will give a presentation on the FTC’s new online merger portal, which allows market participants, stakeholders, and the general public to directly submit comments on proposed transactions that may be under review by the FTC.

At the start of the meeting, Chair Khan will offer brief remarks and will then invite members of the public to share feedback on the Commission’s work generally and bring relevant matters to the Commission’s attention. Members of the public must sign up for an opportunity to address the Commission virtually at the November 14 event.

Each commenter will be given two minutes to share their comments. Those who cannot participate during the event may submit written comments or a link to a prerecorded video through a webform. Speaker registration and comment submission will be available through Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 8 pm ET.

A link to the event will be available on the day of the event, shortly before the meeting starts via FTC.gov. The event will be recorded, and the webcast and any related comments will be available on the Commission’s website after the meeting. The Commission retains discretion to make public comments available following the event on ftc.gov.

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